
Utopic Wellness Communities Are A Multibillion-Dollar Real Estate Trend

Wellness Communities As our appreciation of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) grows so too does the value we place on community and surroundings. Wellness communities have sprouted up all over the world and people are moving in. It’s like Disneyland released a Pleasantville attraction, or a modern day kibbutz for health enthusiasts. It’s fitting that

Utopic Wellness Communities Are A Multibillion-Dollar Real Estate Trend Read More »

How exercise in old age prevents the immune system from declining – BBC News

Exercise Boosts Immune System As we age many bodily processes change… often to our detriment. But there is a way to boost the immune system as we age. New research has shown that exercise boosts immune system in older people. Now there is another reason to admire those in their 70’s, 80’s and beyond who

How exercise in old age prevents the immune system from declining – BBC News Read More »

Does Your Psychological Wellbeing Affect Your HDL Cholesterol Levels?

Mindful of Your HDL Cholesterol Levels New research suggest that being mindful of your HDL cholesterol levels may have a new meaning. For many years the link between psychological well-being and lipid profiles has been studied. Initially, it was found that there was a negative correlation between cholesterol and moods. This means that as cholesterol

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Turning the Tide on Lifestyle Diseases – It’s time to change our approach

Lifestyle Diseases Need Lifestyle Medicine An epidemic of chronic disease faces the US. Our leading killer, heart disease, often has its beginning in poor lifestyle decisions. Heart disease, cancer, COPD, diabetes are fairly modern diseases and have really taken hold only in the last century. As with any disease, we need a way to fight.

Turning the Tide on Lifestyle Diseases – It’s time to change our approach Read More »

Can lifestyle medicine reverse heart disease’s progression?

Reverse Heart Disease There is hope for those who wish to reverse heart disease. Conventional medicine has many life-saving therapies available. However, integrating a Lifestyle approach can offer not just preventative but curative benefits. We were taught in medical school that heart disease is a progressive disease by nature, and medications and interventions could only slow

Can lifestyle medicine reverse heart disease’s progression? Read More »

Measuring Social Determinants

Measuring Social Determinants While while non-clinical factors such as loneliness, nutrition, and housing make up 80% or more of our health, we have no good way of measuring social determinants. Here is an opportunity for improvement that can help many! The issue of how best to define and measure loneliness was the focus of comments

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